"The best way to have a little heaven in your home, is to have someone you love in heaven."

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Bottling Tomatoes, By Teresa

Bottling Tomatoes
One of my favorite memories when I was younger was helping pick tomatoes and green beans for my Mom and aunt Staryl to bottle. They would bottle so many and it would take days to do it. The whole house would smell of tomatoes. Us kids were in charge of picking buckets full and also help snapping off the ends of the green beans. I remember doing this sitting around on Kaze's front porch talking and laughing and hearing Staryl yelling at Adriann for one thing or another!!
Last week my uncle Taft told us that he had lots of tomatoes left that no one was going to use so anyone that wanted them could have them. So, my Mom and me went and picked all of the riped tomatoes before the big freeze. That next day we spent the whole day bottling them. I didn't know what I was doing so my mom really did all of the work and I just helped here and there.
The finished product! We are ready for lots of taco soup and mac and cheese and tomatoes(NOT the mac and cheese out of the box!!)
We also made Salsa out of the tomatoes, Rob is a big salsa eater so I hope he enjoys it all the hard work I put into it!(I mean my Mom)

This was written by Teresa Adams in October 2008

1 comment:

Jonsson's Journey's said...

Good memories! I missed mom when I read that on teresa s blog.