"The best way to have a little heaven in your home, is to have someone you love in heaven."

Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorys on Memorial Day, 2008 By Erica

Some things I can remember about mom
1. She loved Cashews, with a coke
2. She loved to read
3. She picked her feet
4. She hated people touching her hair
5. She was great with computers
6. She loved playing rummy, and dice
7. She liked to play Tetris
8. She loved Gardening, before she got sick, she always had the prettiest flowers out front
9. She almost always cooked a good meal on Sundays
10. She loved to decorate the Christmas tree
11. She liked to go fishing, (although she hardly ever fished, I think she just liked being with every one out on the lake)
12. She sun burned easily
13. She bruised easily
14. She called her kids almost everyday, or more (you better have answered the phone, or else look out)
15. She hated having her picture taken (no, its not a coincident her head is turned in almost all her pictures.)
16. She tried so hard to make it to every ballgame one of us had, even though she worked and was sick.
17. If you went out to dinner with her, she could easily embarrass you if you had a bad waiter/ress.
18. She loved her parents, but grandma says she was a daddy's girl.
19. She always took me to get onion rings at Rocky Mountain Drive Thru. (She also worked there when she was younger)
20. She spoiled her grand kids.
21. If you did something wrong, she could make you feel guilty just by looking at you.
22. I dreaded going to Reams with her, because she would sit and talk with her brother FOREVER! Sometimes I think she went there just to see him.
23. She loved watching the fireworks on the fourth of July.
24. When she was called to be Young Women's President while I was in High school, she worked hard to get her own Young Womanhood Recognition Medallion.
25. She loved Babies.
26. She loved Joe Vera's, and Chinese Food.
27.She hated to drive at night.
28. I was her Favorite, :) (hee, hee)
29. She loved doing puzzles
30. She liked to make wedding cakes

1 comment:

Jessie said...

Erica, that is very special to see you do that for your mom. She was an amazing woman! I enjoyed working with her very much at the library. She always made me feel welcomed at your house and was fun to be around. Love Ya!