"The best way to have a little heaven in your home, is to have someone you love in heaven."

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Written By Adrian 2008

My Mom was the most remarkable woman I have ever known, and the all time best Mother and Grandmother in the world. The most important things in her life was the Gospel her Husband and her Children and Grandchildren. I will never forget the examples she taught me everyday by the way she lived her life. She taught me to know what is truly important in life, Family, Gospel, and being good hearted. She was always there for me no matter what I needed or how much trouble I was in, her love was truly unconditional towards me and everyone in her life. She taught me to work hard, Love Everyone, Have compassion, How to grow a garden, how to harvest a garden, Clean and Cook , Take Care of others , and to respect everyone especially my elders, my grandparents and my father. I think parents need to teach more of those things to their children it makes me sad to see how little children are taught these very important things. I was always told that you don't call in sick to work unless you are really sick because no matter what your job is they are counting on you to be there and you made a commitment and you stand by it, It will give you self respect and will make others respect you, Wow how many kids need to learn that now days. I learned how to work because every Saturday morning we had to wake up and chose to work inside or outside and we worked till noon and if we didn't then we didn't get to play the rest of the weekend that was the rule even into High school. My mom made us attend church our whole life's every Sunday it was good for us even the days we didn't want to go we sometimes as kids we still were made to go and I believe now that that was such a good thing for us some people may disagree but it taught us that we obeyed our parents and did that as a family. My mom worked while we were younger as Liberian she loved her job and she loved books and reading. Later in her life she got a degree in library science. She worked for over twenty years at the Provo City Library and was very influential in the new library being built she helped with the planning and the moving of the Library. During that time she had also been diagnosed with ovarian cancer but that didn't slow her down a bit she only got more strong and more spiritual and fought right threw the six month time frame the doctors gave her, she worked the entire time threw chemo, she was so strong , she amazed me. She ended up fighting her cancer for seven years. Half way threw her battle things were looking pretty bad but she wasn't ready to go yet so she fasted and prayed and asked the Lord if she could please stay on this earth long enough to see her son go on a mission and three years later she was still here to send him off, She passed away six months later. We all knew it would happen that way in fact my brother said he knew when he left for his mission it would be the last time her saw her on earth. I believe that my mom taught me more in twenty six years than some moms teach their kids now when they have a lifetime to do it. I even learned things by her passing, Like never take things for granted and love everyone now while you can, get over things faster because its just not worth it to hold grudges. I could go on and on of course but I'm running out of time. She loved her Grandchildren and spoiled them to pieces they all stayed many weekends at her house and she would take them any chance she got, It would be nice to still have her here for that. There is a special brick placed in the floor at the Provo City Library dedicated to her and honoring all her many years of work and dedication. Anyway I miss her and think about her everyday of my life, but she is still here with me I feel her all the time and her presence has been there at every special event so far in my life. I Love and appreciate her dearly and cant wait to see her again soon

1 comment:

We miss Staryl said...

Thank you Adrian for writing this, it is a wonderfull tribute to mom, I love it.