"The best way to have a little heaven in your home, is to have someone you love in heaven."

Sunday, May 18, 2008


When I look at all of these pictures I see Andrea, Adrian, Erica and JT. I can see my beautiful neices and nephew in Staryl. I see glimpses of Tami and Diane. Family genes are strong. I see the wonderful Fischer family and the wonderful Kaze family. I know that Staryl's spirit lives on and lives strong in each of our lives here. Just take a moment and think of her and you will feel what I mean. This life is but a moment in the eternal realms. We will all be together again. We will have the same love that we have here on this earth. It will be glorious. Thank you for bringing Staryl closer to me, this day and in the following days. I love you all. Tawny

1 comment:

We miss Staryl said...

Thank you Tawney for leaving this message, its great! Luv ya Erica